Spirit Of Adventure (II)
In september 2015, Saga Holidays surprised the cruise industry when they ordered their first newbuild since their operations had started in 1997. The British company normally used second-hand tonnage, but now seemed ready to order a purpose-built cruiseship for their growing operations. The company caters for the 50+ passenger demograph and their splendidly pristine older cruiseships were very popular with their clientele. Ships to the likes of Saga Rose, the former Sagafjord of Norske Amerikalinje and Cunard Line, Saga Ruby, its sistership and former Vistafjord and Saga Sapphire, the former HAPAG-Lloyd luxury liner Europa of 1981, were definitely in the high-end of the spectrum. So the new ship had to be at least comparable. Throughout the 2010's, it seemed more and more difficult to add new quality second-hand ships to the fleet, the main reason why Saga Holidays was now expanding their horizons by building a ship from scratch. Because of the tremendous interest that their first newbuild generated, the company decided to also go through with the optional second ship, making this a firm order with Meyer Werft of Papenburg, Germany at the 22nd of september of 2017. The ship was to be named Spirit Of Adventure, in line with the first newbuild that was created under the name of Spirit Of Discovery. It was a change, since their ocean going ships always had their names start with 'Saga' before. But Saga already used the 'Spirit'- names on their riverfleet and also they had used the name Spirit Of Adventure earlier with a ship used within the ocean fleet.

Saga Cruises' Spirit Of Adventure seen at the cruiseterminal in Rotterdam at the 7th of october in 2021.
Construction and general statistics
The first steel for Saga Cruises' second newbuilding Spirit Of Adventure was cut at the Jos L. Meyer wharf at Papenburg at the 27th of march of 2019 and its keel was laid, as we still say, at the following 3rd of june. During this ceremony, a coin was placed under the first of the ships 54 steel blocks. Within the coin, the name of the ship, the date and the yard number 715 were inscripted. At the 24th of july of 2020, Spirit Of Adventure flowated out of the buildingdock, after which the funnel and navigationmast were added. These were not able to be added when she was still in the buildingshed due to height limitations. Before the ship was moored to the fitting-out quay, a few tests were conducted after the funnel and mast had been added. Construction of the ship had suffered a three month delay due to the impact of the world-wide Coronaviris pandemic but it was expected that Spirit Of Adventure would be the very first cruiseship to be added to the worlds fleet after the end of the most severe time of the pandemic.
The ship measures some 236 meters in lenght, has a width of 31,20 meters and a draft of 7,30 meters. Her tonnage-measurement is 58,250, making her small within the worlds cruisefleet today. Her total passengernumber is 999, served by some 540 crewmembers. Normally, the ship caters for only 50+ passengers, although companions are able to sail also when they at least are 40 years of age. The ship has 15 decks and is able to sail at a quite modest 18 knots. That said, the clientele normally isn't very interested in speed.
Originally, the ship was supposed to be delivered to Saga Cruises in july of 2020, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this had to be postponed and she was finally delivered to the company at the 29th of september in 2020 during a ceremony in the German port of Emden.

As the first cruiseships in the world, Spirit Of Discovery and Spirit Of Adventure were fitted with SISHIP SiPODS, designed by Siemens. Pods are not new of course, but the Siemens-designed ones were never used before on cruiseships. Siemens also provided the complete power and propulsion systems, including the generators, power distribution and propulsion converters. The motor within the system is cooled with seawater instead of chilled water, also making the system more environmentally friendly. When in port, the pods will not be cooled down, saving 36Kw per hour in pumping power. For more eco-friendlyness, the ship is also provided by four Yara scrubbers within the smokestacks, that are able to filter out most harmfull emissions before they are expelled from the system.
The two sisterships interiour designs are overseen by one firm each, but they differ per ship. Spirit Of Discovery was designed by SMC Design and Spirit Of Adventure was designed by AD Associates. Both British firms who were asked to give the ships a modern London hotel feel and primarily with a really recognizable British tone to it. That said, within the British culture of course also means with hints to the British empire including India. One of the main specialityrestaurants aboard is the Nepalese Ghurka-inspired restaurant Khukuri House. This restaurant makes use of vibrant colours and an artwork style of the region madhabani. The room dividers are influenced by the Nepalese fabric dhaka and the lightning was inspired by the traditional dress of Nepalese women. Another restaurant aboard is Amalfi, in Italian style. It is adorned by marble and brass-trimmed floor to ceiling wine cabinets. There are red leather chairs and a four-coloured tile floor. Aboard Spirit Of Adventure, the Supper Club is redisigned from her earlier sister, creating a more usable space and a larger bar. The music played within the room will also be more jazz-like instead of 1950's cabaret style as on her sister.
The ship has a total of 554 all-balcony cabins for her total of 999 passengers and has one of the highest number of single cabins within the industry. There are three styles of design within the cabins. The first one is inspired by British countryside, using light timbers and pastel-green colouring creating a garden-like atmosphere. Then there is a more luxury style with pinks and orange and dark timbers and the thirth style is reminiscent of sunset scenes, with calming neutral tones highlighted with warming burnt oranges. A difference from her earlier sister is also that Spirit Of Adventure has three times more cabin categories then Spirit Of Discovery.
All artworks aboard were created by British-based artists and although the ship is designed for people in their 'grey years', the company doesn't appraoch them as such. Aboard there is ample opportunity for sporting activities, games and yoga, as well as an extensive spa-area.

At the 30th of august in 2020, the ship sailed her Ems conveyance to the port of Emden, before starting her trials in the Northsea during September. Sadly, due to her delays, she had to postpone her originally planned namingceremony in Portsmouth, England at the 19th of august, but this was put forward untill the 19th of july in 2021. The ship was named in Portsmouth by nurse and senior Royal Navy officer Inga Kennedy. After the ceremony, the ship departed for her Maiden Voyage starting from Portsmouth at the 26th of july 2021, being a 15-night sailing around the British Isles.